

Chapters of Starfleet Command’s Seventh Fleet are set up like Starships or Stations seen on Star Trek. Because our time period on the show takes place during the TNG/DS9/VOY time frame, most chapters are based upon these style of starships. However chapters are free to select a class from any era of Star Trek.

Instead of Chapter Presidents we have Starship Captains as the final decision makers for matters within their chapters. From there the chain of command spreads down to Executive Officers and Second Officers (if named) and then to Department Chiefs. For more information on the Chain of Command, see the Membership Section.

Chapter classes, names and registry numbers must be approved by the Head of Technical Information and the Commander in Chief of the Seventh Fleet. A list has been prepared of currently available names/classes which have been registered with the Seventh Fleet.

This list is compiled and maintained by the Head of Technical Information. Names can also be of the Commanding Officer’s own choosing using the following guidelines: They cannot have the same name as a canon starship (such as U.S.S. Enterprise, U.S.S. Voyager, U.S.S. Defiant, etc.), they cannot the name of a Star Trek actor or character (such as U.S.S. Shatner or U.S.S. Kirk, etc.), it cannot be named after a person who is still living, or after a river (those are reserved for the runabouts).

The Commanding Officer may also choose a class but it needs to be from a canon source (such as Galaxy Class, Intrepid Class, etc.), an established non-canon source (such as Jackill’s Ships of Starfleet, Ships developed for Role Playing Games from FASA, LUG, Decipher or Modiphius, etc.), from licensed video games (such as Star Trek Online) or a class currently being developed by the Seventh Fleet. After the choices are approved it will be registered. The registry number is based upon how many ship of that class we have all ready listed. If you have a question about a design, registry or name, feel free to email Special exceptions can be made by the Commander in Chief, Vice Admiral Carl Stark.

CHAPTER STATUS: There are several levels of status for chapters of the Seventh Fleet. These are as follows:

Active- A chapter in good standing within the Seventh Fleet. Recruiting new members.

Special Assignment- A chapter currently under special assignment within the Seventh Fleet. Currently not recruiting new members.

Drydocked- A chapter currently undergoing re-organization. New members may be pending.


Local Chapter- A chapter that holds local meetings and activities for crewmembers.

Honorary- A rare type awarded for outstanding excellence in promoting Star Trek fandom. Only awarded by the CinC of the Seventh Fleet and confirmed by the Seventh Fleet Council.

Virtual Chapter- A chapter virtually based over the internet.

Correspondence Chapter- A chapter of long distance members who communicate through the postal mail. 

Retired- A chapter that has been retired.

Chapter Applicant- An existing chapter seeking membership within the Seventh Fleet. Currently on a probationary period.

Chapter-In-Training- A chapter started by an active Seventh Fleet member. Sponsored by a current Seventh Fleet Chapter. Until it reaches active chapter status it is on a probationary period.


Each state is designated a Sector. Further setup will be determined by the Seventh Fleet Council as the fleet continues to grow. Another possibility is to organize 3-6 nearby chapters into a Task Force that would hold joint activities/community service together. As details develop (and as the Seventh Fleet expands) they will be released here. The following sectors have been established.

Spock-Live-Long-and-Prosper-61544348099RETIRED CHAPTERSTOTAL CHAPTERS: 6


Existing Starships (requesting Chapter Applicant status)-

1. The applicant group must be a Star Trek focused club that has been in existence for more than two years. Other interests can be listed but Star Trek must be the primary focus.

2. No membership dues, fees or other money grubbing from prospective crew. The everyone pays their own way attitude. If dues exists, the time in the Chapter Applicant period could be used to phase out such a program.

3. Willing to adapt to the Seventh Fleet rank structure. During the probationary period the transformation could be made.

4. Established and certified Command Structure and personnel. This involves testing and review of existing command grade officers.

5. Ship’s standards, rules and regulations approved by the Seventh Fleet Council.

6. Active membership of the chapter greater than the number of Senior Officers and Command Staff.

7. Use a department type structure for personnel assignments (grouping people with common interests).

8. Willingness to submit to authority of and report to the Commander in Chief of the Seventh Fleet and accept assignments.

9. Willing to receive sponsorship from a member of the Seventh Fleet Council.

10. Approved by unanimous vote of the Seventh Fleet Council.

11. Special dispensation is allowed for special circumstances. Requires approval by the Commander in Chief.

If there are any questions about the New Chapter requirements, feel free to contact us at We realize that not all questions can be answered on the website.

New Runabouts (Chapter-in-Training Status)-

1. The Commanding Officer must be a Command Grade officer who has worked through the ranks as a member of an existing chapter of the Seventh Fleet (Lieutenant and above).

2. Work through an established chapter of the Seventh Fleet (the sponsor) to create a crew and program that will lead to a ship sized group outside of the geographical area of an existing Seventh Fleet Chapter.

3. Continue operating and growing as a runabout until the Commanding Officer is promoted to the rank of Captain and the chapter has proved acceptable to the Commander in Chief.

4. Receive a recommendation for command and commissioning of ship status from sponsoring Captain and/or the Commander in Chief.

5. Special dispensation is allowed for special circumstances. Requires approval by the Commander in Chief.

If there are any questions about the Chapter-in-Training requirements, feel free to contact the Commanding Officer of your sponsoring chapter or .