Introducing: Seventh Fleet week

Greetings, members, family, and friends of the Seventh Fleet!

As you know, normally at this time of year we would be holding our annual Fleet Games. Sadly, due to circumstances beyond our control, we are unable to safely gather together for the games and the food and the friendship.

(Don’t worry, though! We are preparing to be able to hold the actual Games in person next year!)

For this year, the Ticonderoga is proud to present

-=/\=- Seventh Fleet Week -=/\=-

Allow me to invite you to join us for some fun this week!

Featuring Star Trek and Seventh Fleet trivia

Cosplay displays

Art displays

Games and roleplay

Discussions and chats

And much more!

Pictured above are just a couple of the items we have available.

Some will be up for bid in a silent auction.

Some will be given as prizes.

Still others will be available to pick up in the swap meet.

How do you join in the fun, you ask?


Join us in the Seventh Fleet Week Discord server:

There’s one little thing to remember:

When you join, you need to go to the Code of Conduct channel, read the code of conduct, and, most importantly, click the green box at the bottom

Things will be happening all week, from July 24 – 31.

On Saturday, August 1st, there will be an informal picnic, for you to pick up your goodies. 

Anyone who wishes to bring a lunch can join us at the picnic, or you can swing by just long enough to get your stuff.

I hope you’ll pop in and say hi! And maybe join in the fun as we get together in a virtual world.

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