Farewell to the USS Tsunami

Starship_newsLog Entry: Stardate 67061.5, Rear Admiral Stark recording.  It is always a moment of sadness when a Star Trek club decides to shut down.  However it is a good thing when a club gets to end on a high note at a time of their own choosing.  Since 1989 the USS Tsunami ran as a Star Trek club under various names.  They started out as a shuttle T’Tauri Wind (chapter-in-training) from the SFI mothership USS Alioth.  When they became a full chapter they were known as the USS Fahrion (NCC-2510, Belknap Class Strike Cruiser).

Belknap-Class Strike Cruiser
Belknap Class Strike Cruiser

The Fahrion ran in Region 17 with several other Utah chapters including the USS Alioth, USS Dominion, USS Romulus and future Seventh Fleet plank holder, USS Rendezvous.  After several years the members of the Fahrion elected to leave Starfleet International and they became an independent Star Trek fan club.  They then changed their name to the USS Tsunami (NCC-74996, Intrepid Class Starship).

Intrepid Class Starship
Intrepid Class Starship

Even as an independent club, the Tsunami participated in many joint activities with other Star Trek clubs.  This included the sharing of various fan fiction involving multiple characters and ships in the local area.  Unfortunately a lack of incoming members to replace those who had moved out of the area (or suddenly passed on) began to take it’s toll on the club.  By 2014 the Tsunami was down to three active members.  Instead of just letting the club fade off into nothing, the final members decided to shut down the club and hold one last farewell party.  Previous members and friends were invited to attend and talk about the past over a slice of pizza.  As the senior representative of the Seventh Fleet, I attended with a special gift.  I had found a old copy of The Mind Meld, Vol 3 #6 from November 1989.  This USS Alioth newsletter had the first report of the Shuttle T’Tauri Wind and their first two activities.

Now this is not the final farewell for the Tsunami.  The last members of the club have decided to keep the USS Tsunami website open for anyone who wishes to submit Star Trek fan fiction.  These can be based on any starship and for those who are looking for critiques or help with their stories.

The Seventh Fleet would like to give a salute to the members of the T’Tauri Wind/USS Fahrion/USS Tsunami for the contributions that they have made to local Star Trek fandom.  Tally ho and Go with throttle up.

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