October Trek of the Month Recap

So what did you think of the episodes/movies for the first Trek of the Month? Here they are as just a reminder.

TOS:Catspaw (A Halloween based episode complete with a haunted castle)
TAS:The Magicks of Megas-Tu (Stuck in a world where magic works and science doesn’t)
TMS:Star Trek: First Contact (Cybernetic zombies, definitely not Swedish)
TNG:Phantasms (You must kill zem. You must kill zem all)
DS9:Empok Nor (Trapped on an abandoned station with maniac killers on the loose)
Voy:The Haunting of Deck 12 (Neelix tells a ghost story. Could it be true?)
Ent:Impulse (What happens when Vulcans go out of their minds?)
DSC:Context is for Kings (What killed the crew of the USS Glenn?)
Other Trek:For the Love of Spock (A documentary on Leonard Nimoy)
Fan Film:Ghost Ship: A Star Trek Fan Production (It’s just a recovery mission)
Non-Trek:Alien (1979 movie, hunted by a killer alien)

Send your thoughts and comments on each episode or movie that you watched to Webmaster@SeventhFleet.org and we will post them in a future blog. We will have a new Trek of the Month in November.

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