Admiral’s Banquet and a special surprise

A prototype of the new Seventh Fleet Annual.

This Saturday, March 26th, is one of two annual fleet events. The Admiral’s Banquet. This is where the Admiralty gets to acknowledge the efforts that the members put into the chapters and fleet. The USS Rendezvous is hosting the event at the Richmond City Center (were we have held past banquets) with a starting time of Noon. Please note the change in time because we’ve usually started at 2:00pm in the past.

The USS Rendezvous will be serving a Taco Bar for the meal. However they stated that they would not be insulted if you bring your own food because of dietary/taste reasons. There is no charge for the food, but a tip jar will be set up to help for those that wish to help out.

There will also be a silent auction available with items donated by various chapters in the Seventh Fleet. This will be cash only as per the organizer. There will also be various videos created by the chapters.

This is a nice dress or uniformed event. We will also be taking group photos at the banquet.

New this year we have a special surprise. As you can see from the photo above, we now have a prototype issue of the Seventh Fleet Annual. This fanzine is a “Best Of” featuring selected articles and artwork from various chapter newsletters and blogs and comes in at a 136 pages. Come check it out at the banquet. We will be gauging interest in this publication.

It’s been a very long time since we’ve held the Admiral’s Banquet in person. We are looking forward to seeing everyone again.

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