Tag Archives: Gallery

FanX 2021 Photos/Videos Part One

And another FanX: The Salt Lake Comic Convention is in the books. Many thanks to the many volunteers from different Seventh Fleet chapters who helped out at the booth. We were able to raise some money for the Best Friends Animal Society-Utah. A big thank you to all of the members and friends who came by to visit us at the booth. And another big thank you to Dan Farr and his army of volunteers at the convention. We greatly appreciate your efforts in putting this show together.

If you are visiting our website after checking out our booth, welcome. Feel free to look around and learn more about us. If you have any questions or you would like to join one of our chapters, feel free to email us at Info@SeventhFleet.org. We hope that you’ll be able to join us at one of our many fun events in the future.

Here is a video taken at the con that features the Seventh Fleet.

Our own Admiral Stark was interviewed by Salt Lake Magazine at the con.

And we know that a lot of photos were taken at the convention. We would love to post them on a future blog post. Feel free to email them to Webmaster@SeventhFleet.org and we will upload them soon. Here are some that we already have.

USS Pulsar launching ceremony

The USS Pulsar was able to hold their official launching ceremony on Saturday in Utah County. The club became a full chapter in 2020, but due to the pandemic, the party celebrating the efforts had to be delayed until 2021.

Vice Admiral Carl Stark (Commander-in-Chief of the Seventh Fleet) was able to perform the reading of orders and transfer of command. Captain Charles Corr and Captain Erica Stark performed the christening ceremony smashing bottles on the hull.

As you can see from the photos, a lot of energy and effort went into the launching ceremony. There was a lot of Star Trek themed food items available for the visitors to partake in.

Starfleet Command’s Seventh Fleet welcomes the members of the USS Pulsar into the Star Trek family. May you live long and prosper and we look forward to your many adventures.

USS Kelly 35th Anniversary

USS Kelly 35th Anniversary display
USS Kelly 35th Anniversary display

In September 1986 Captain Dennis Hollinger and Commander Richard Henline officially launched the Star Trek fan club, the USS Kelly. This club is the oldest Star Trek club running in Utah and was one of the founding members of Starfleet Command’s Seventh Fleet.

Past and present members of the USS Kelly recently gathered at Murray Park to reminisce about past activities and the friendships made along the way. There was a display of past USS Kelly t-shirts (including the first Kelly uniform work by then-Captain Hollinger to launch the chapter). There was also several photo scrapbooks, copies of past newsletters (over 80 issues and counting), old technical drawings and the first attempt at the Kelly Combadge (made out of resin).

The USS Kelly had originally started as a chapter of the national Starfleet Command organization (based out of Baltimore, MD) before this parent organization disbanded in December 1997. In January 1998 the USS Kelly joined with the USS Rendezvous, USS Retributor and the USS Ticonderoga to form Starfleet Command’s Seventh Fleet.

Dennis Hollinger held the position of the first Commanding Officer. When he moved up to Commander in Chief of the Seventh Fleet, his good friend Richard Henline took over the center chair. After several years Captain Henline stepped down to take a position with the fleet and David Thalmann took command of the Kelly (called the Kelly-A). After several years David had to step down for health reasons and Rhonda Hollinger became the Commanding Officer for a few years. The former Operations Officer, Nada Linnarz then became the Captain of the Kelly-B. Earlier this year Captain Linnarz moved to St. George and handed the reigns to the current Commanding Officer, Jill Bogler.

Most fan run clubs had a habit of disbanding before reaching their second anniversary. So the fact that the USS Kelly has reached 35 years shows the testament and resilience of the members of this Star Trek family. Here is to 35 more years.

Here are some photos of past members and events.

members showing off their cosplay

We sent out a call to members of the fleet to send us some of their favorite cosplay photos that they would like to share. Here are the submissions we received.

Carl Navales of the USS Delaware as a Starfleet Trill Officer.
Erin Ruston of the USS Essex as a Klingon warrior.
Captain Erica Stark of the USS Ticonderoga laughs with Admiral Dennis Hollinger, Vice Admiral Carl Stark and Commodore Marla Trowbidge of the Seventh Fleet.
Laura Swift Lind of the USS Rendezvous shows her Jedi cosplay.
Brad and Amiee Jacobs of the USS Ticonderoga posing with Tony Todd at a local convention.
James Woodham of the USS Delaware checking out The Iron Throne.
James Woodham of the USS Delaware on the Shuttle Fairbanks.
A Borgified Eric Evans checks out the USS Ticonderoga transporter console.
Eric Allan Hall, Carl Stark and Erica Stark.
Brooke Wilkins of the USS Pulsar is a Starfleet Officer in the transporter beam.
Scott Armstrong as a TOS Redshirt.
Damon Ricks of the USS Ticonderoga as a Klingon.
Michelle Ludeking of the USS Pulsar and Michael Hansen of the USS Delaware meet a Romulan.
Dave Stock of the USS Ticonderoga and Vice Admiral Stark show off their Doctor Who autographs.
Eric Nelson and Brooke Wilkins combine universes.
Damon and Amanda Ricks of the USS Ticonderoga.
Michael Hansen of the USS Delaware in the Shuttle Fairbanks.
Vice Admiral Carl Stark in his Admiral’s uniform from Star Trek: The Motion Picture.
Mindy Madsen and Brooke Wilkins of the USS Pulsar cosplaying as Deep Space Nine and the Bajoran Wormhole.

Damon Ricks as the Gamorrean Guard.